
4th China-Japan-Korea CSIRT Annual Meeting for Cybersecurity Incident Response was held in China

         On August 31th to September 1st , 2016, the operational level staffs of the National Computer network Emergency Response technical Team/Coordination Center of China (CNCERT/CC), Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (JPCERT/CC) and Korea Internet Security Center (KrCERT/CC) of Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), gathered together in Kunming City of China to hold the forth China-Japan-Korea CSIRT Annual Meeting for Cybersecurity Incident Response, hosted by CNCERT/CC.

        This annual meeting is held under the agreement of the "JOINT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON COMPUTER SECURITY INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM WITH NATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY" signed by the three parties in 2011.

        The meeting provided not only a prime opportunity to review the joint incident handling operations and prevention efforts concerning significant cross-border incidents relating to the three countries, but also an occasion to look back on the accomplishments and map out further cooperative activities that cope with newly emerging challenges. Furthermore, with the presence of staffs with advanced technical knowledge, the parties also captured an opportunity to share and discuss issues on the latest trends in cyber threats and technical issues of common concern. In particular, the parties studied vulnerability coordination activities, as well as made efforts to amend the MOU for the next three years.

        Following the outcome of last year’s meeting, key achievements this year were:

        - Agreed on basic principles of the next three years’ Cooperative Framework and Possible Activities for Cyber Security Enhancement in the MOU. The MOU will be amended accordingly by the end of 2016 to meet the needs of each party, in particular for dealing with emerging threats and to further fit operational needs.

        - Understood and shared current vulnerability coordination activities (including domestic vulnerability handling processes) and related issues in each country. Further discussions began to explore ways for further collaboration in this field.

        - Concluded to seek further opportunities to discuss cyber security technical issues of common concern, in an effort to enhance mutual collaboration.

        The next annual meeting will be hosted by KrCERT/CC in summer 2017.      

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